Talk:Trevor Likely

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As a complete football non-fan, my first thoughts regarding Trev and Juliet were that their roundworld equivalents were Jamie and Louise Rednapp, given that Jamie's dad Harry was also a well known player in his day. --Megahurts 12:34, 5 November 2010 (CET)

Following through a bit of information concerning a former footballer who had an epiphany and became a Church of England priest - and diocesan exorcist. Details scanty at the moment, but the name I heard in this context is Trevor Dearing. it would be so fitting if this turned out to have substance... how Discworld! AgProv (talk) 00:24, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

Anglican Pentecostals: deary, deary me... I can't find the football connection, though. --Old Dickens (talk) 01:21, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

No leads either. Damn. The original prompt was a passing remark in a copy of the Fortean Times about the practice of exorcism... but no reference on the net to the Rev. Dearing having had a footballing past. Ah well. To quote the Pentecostalists, "Out, foul demon of confusion and misinformation! In Insert name of deity of choice's name!" AgProv (talk) 08:37, 4 April 2014 (UTC)

Not a football player? When is now?

By the end of the book, Trev's the most famous foot-the-ball player in Ankh-Morpork. Sure, he needed to use a tin can because he wasn’t used to an actual football, but the ball is the ball, as they say. I suppose the real actual relevant question is: what’s “now” for our articles? Most seem to be from the perspective of the contemporary Discworld, i.e. how things were left as of the end of The Shepherd's Crown. For example, Sam Vimes is Commander of the Watch, not its Captain; that’s in the past, and part of his backstory. Should the same not be true of Trev? -- Guybrush (talk) 06:24, 4 February 2025 (UTC)

Is there any suggestion that he ever has played, or will, an actual game? (He promised his old mum he wouldn't play foot-the-ball). I'd say he was more famous as a HAB (husbands and boyfriends) of a famous fashion model. I guess it's debatable; revert if you like. --Old Dickens (talk) 17:11, 4 February 2025 (UTC)