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This article is about the troll-run nightclub. For the swamp dragon breeders association, see the Cavern Club.

The Cavern is a night spot in Ankh-Morpork frequented by the cooler sort of human and the nastier sort of troll. Glod Glodsson, for the first time in his musical career, wanted to duck out of a paying engagement, for fear of what might happen to a dwarf in this establishment. In practice, Chrysoprase, a fine upstanding Trollish community leader with a big investment in the club, has no prejudice against dwarfs as they use the same dollars everyone else has to, and if some of those dollars end up in the bar takings, that's an outcome he is personally happy with and if people is tolerant of dwarfs payin' for drink in my club, then there ain't no need for me to build a new rockery.

The Cavern Annotation

Based on the "Most famous club in the world": The Roundworld Cavern Club is a rock and roll club in Liverpool, England. Opened on Wednesday 16 January 1957, the club is where Brian Epstein first saw The Beatles performing, on 9 November 1961, and which has hosted an awful lot of huge bands before they were, well, huge, to wit: The Rolling Stones, The Yardbirds, The Kinks, Elton John, The Who and John Lee Hooker to name but a few.